Logo músicos por la salud

Become a member

Become a member

Become a member

Help us spread happiness and hope through song.

Choose your monthly contribution

Music is the medicine of the soul and we want it to reach as many patients, companions and residents as possible. By being a member, you make it possible for ICU, cancer, hemodialysis, mental health or pediatric children to have a moment of happiness and respite thanks to music.


Tu aportación tiene beneficios fiscales.

Rellena el formulario para
hacerte socio

La música es la medicina del alma y queremos que llegue al mayor número posible de pacientes, acompañantes y residentes.

Hazte socio y ayúdanos a conseguirlo.

* 12345678x o x1234567y
If, on the other hand, you want to make a one-off donation, you can do so through transfer or Bizum

Become a member, donate music

Musicians for Health is an NGO that aims to accompany and support vulnerable people through music and micro-concerts.

We are already in 60 hospitals and 220 social and health centres and care centres for disadvantaged groups, providing moments of relief, well-being and happiness to patients, companions and health professionals.

Since 2015, our musicians for Health have been transmitting joy and human warmth in each micro-concert, ensuring that patients, family members and healthcare staff enjoy a journey through music. 

We get them to forget about the place they are in and enjoy the sound of their favorite songs, making them participate and creating a very special bond that helps them face their situation with more courage.

Hospitals and centres with which we collaborate...

Deducciones Fiscales por donativos a ONG

Fundaciones y Asociaciones sujetas a la Ley 49/2002
Beneficios fiscales
Ayúdanos a difundir el mensaje para que la música siga sonando en los hospitales.
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