Logo músicos por la salud

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Very easily. We and the people helped by your contribution will be eternally grateful. You can do it in different ways, through our online form, by writing an email to, or by calling to 647 61 32 65

When you become a member or make a donation on our website, you will automatically receive an email confirming the receipt. Once processed, you will receive another thank you email with a receipt detailing the details of the contribution. You will also receive our newsletter with the latest news we want to share with you.

If we have your NIF, you will receive the certificate of the contributions made so that you can deduct them in your income tax return (only residents in Spain).

By sending us an email:

Or by phone: +34 647 613 265
Please indicate the action you wish to take and we will do the rest.

You can become “AMIG@” for €18 per month.

If you belong to an associated group for €9 per month (50% discount).

If you opt for a single annual fee, you will get an additional 25% discount.

For one-off donations, the most common are €30, €50, €75 or €100.

There is no small amount, any contribution helps us.

Hazte socio 

Siendo socio haces posible que pacientes de UCI, cáncer, hemodiálisis, salud mental o niños de pediatría tengan un momento de felicidad y respiro gracias a la música. También contribuyes a que las canciones lleguen a nuestros mayores, a personas con discapacidad, Alzhéimer, Down y a pacientes en centros de salud mental.

Triangulo gris
Ayúdanos a difundir el mensaje para que la música siga sonando en los hospitales.
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Se ha realizado correctamente