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Bells for health

Bells for health

The Bells for Health program installs bells in oncology day hospitals to accompany and transmit hope to cancer patients. The sound of hope is ringing the bell 3 times, a way of revealing the happiness of those who have completed a treatment.

Principales datos

Bells installed
Breast cancer survival
0 %
Child cancer survival
0 %
Círculo azul
Campanas por la salud


Ringing the “Bell for Health” designed by Agatha Ruiz de La Prada three times is the best sound to express a person’s joy completing their treatment. To celebrate this exciting moment, a printed greeting is given as a souvenir. The project reduces the anxiety that comes with treatment and is a new way to reveal the happiness of those who have completed the process and it transmits hope too, reminding the rest of the patients to persevere. Each chime means putting an end to a finished stage and starting a new one full of joy. It increases the bond between patients, companions and healthcare staff.

The latest Campaign for Health is at La Fe Hospital in Valencia, with a total of 9 bells installed in different oncology services in the country. The next ones will be installed at the San Carlos and Niño Jesus Clinic in Madrid. The program seeks to help cancer patients, so that a clinical study is carried out to demonstrate the positive impact of providing moments of well-being to people during their treatment.

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Bells for health

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Ayúdanos a difundir el mensaje para que la música siga sonando en los hospitales.
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