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Micro-concerts for Health

Micro-concerts for Health

Musicians for Health is incorporated into the activity of the member hospitals, through a weekly or daily visit. On each visit we perform 4 micro-concerts in 4 services to accompany patients, companions and healthcare staff.

Principales datos

Beneficiary people
Icono Hospital
Micro-concerts in hospitals
Icono Hospital
Adhered hospitals
Círculo azul


In the 8 years of activity, more than 480,000 people have benefited from the power of live music. Services such as oncology, haemodialysis, ICU or mental health are the most common in hospitals. We have brought well-being to 7,165 people admitted to hospitals.

One of the things we are most proud of is that it is the people who enjoy our activity and the hospital staff who claim us. Our activity extends to the entire Spanish territory, from the Canary Islands to Cantabria, although it is in Madrid, Catalonia and the Valencian Community where our efforts are concentrated, but we develop projects and actions in other territories.

We provide moments of respite and make hospital stays more pleasant. The beneficiaries are the people who are immersed in their recovery processes, but also the hospital staff improve their work environment.

We fight for music to be included in health systems and we have managed to get the plenary sessions of the  Canary Islands and the Valencian Community to unanimously approve parliamentary initiatives to include music in the health system and explore ways of collaboration with Musicians for Health so that the activity of micro-concerts is part of the day-to-day life of hospitals. In addition, the Congress of Deputies already agreed on an institutional declaration to the same effect at the beginning of 2022. The inclusion of music in healthcare is mandated by “the WHO, which in the 2019 ‘Arts and Health’ report concludes that there is more than enough scientific evidence on the efficacy and advantages offered by music in healthcare.”

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Micro-concerts for Health

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The program is aimed at older people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia or age-related cognitive impairment pathologies. This program aims to meet their needs, as well as promote healthy aging and an improvement in their quality of life, offering an accompaniment and support service.

The program is aimed at people with functional diversity. The purpose of Capable Melodies is to promote social interactions by attending to the needs of this group in order to improve their quality of life, promote social inclusion and improve their experience in the social and health environment.

The Choirs, Singing and Remembrance program is aimed at older people with age-related cognitive impairment pathologies. The aim of bringing music closer to this group is to help them remember the songs of their childhood, adolescence, to evoke memories, bring well-being and improve their mood through singing and interaction.

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