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Remembering, singing and healing

Remembering, singing and healing

The Remember, singing and healing program is a project that collects local songs, with the aim of activating childhood memories of people affected by Alzheimer’s through the cognitive stimulation caused by these songs.

Principales datos

Beneficiary people
Adhered hospitals
Círculo azul


The program is aimed at older people with Alzheimer’s disease, dementia or age-related cognitive impairment pathologies that require social and health care.

In these people, music helps them connect with the environment and remember. In addition, in the early stages of the disease, music helps to decrease anxiety and stress and increases happiness levels.
The stimulating effects of our micro-concerts are especially enhanced because the songs are chosen by the beneficiaries and, therefore, have a meaning and an emotional link with their memories and experiences, which promotes more intense emotions and personal evocations.
In addition, a study has been carried out related to the impact of these songs on senile dementia, cognitive disorders and more advanced stages of Alzheimer’s.

In this sense, the most promising results on the benefits of music on memory seem to be related to autobiographical memory. Listening to or even singing family music activities can be good tools in people with cognitive impairment and retrograde memory problems, even as a preventative activity.

En este sentido, los resultados más prometedores sobre los beneficios de la música sobre la memoria parecen estar relacionados con la memoria autobiográfica. Las actividades de escuchar o incluso cantar música familiar pueden ser buenas herramientas en personas con deterioro cognitivo y problemas de memoria retrógrada, incluso como actividad preventiva.

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Remembering, singing and healing

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The program is aimed at older people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia or age-related cognitive impairment pathologies. This program aims to meet their needs, as well as promote healthy aging and an improvement in their quality of life, offering an accompaniment and support service.

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The Choirs, Singing and Remembrance program is aimed at older people with age-related cognitive impairment pathologies. The aim of bringing music closer to this group is to help them remember the songs of their childhood, adolescence, to evoke memories, bring well-being and improve their mood through singing and interaction.

Ayúdanos a difundir el mensaje para que la música siga sonando en los hospitales.
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