Sign up for live Music in every Hospital

The World Health Organization demonstrates the scientific effectiveness of the arts in improving the health status of patients and residents in facilities. Help us with your signature to include musicians in the health system.


Músicos por la salud es un proyecto que va de música, de personas y sus emociones, de compañía, de afectividad, de cercanía, de ilusiones, de recuerdos… de vida a través de las melodías, de esperanza que llega con las canciones.

Our results

Icono Hospital
Social and health centres
Icono corazón
Personas beneficiarias
Beneficiary people
Icono nota
Adhered musicians

What do we do at Musicians for Health?

Musicians for Health is an NGO that, since 2015, has been humanizing hospitals and social health centres through live music. Music is medicine for the soul and helps people who are going through a bad time to be a little happier

They say about us

Sois capaces de que saquemos esa sensación que tenemos de dolor fuera, compartís con nosotros parte de ese dolor con vuestras sonrisas, con vuestras letras
Esther Rey
Directora de enfermería del Hospital La Paz
Sois capaces de que saquemos esa sensación que tenemos de dolor fuera, compartís con nosotros parte de ese dolor con vuestras sonrisas, con vuestras letras
Esther Rey
Directora de enfermería del Hospital La Paz
Cuando se está en situación que te toca estar encerrado en un hospital, la música es un estímulo importantísimo. La música para todos los pacientes es una de las mejores terapias que pueda existir.
Carlos Laguna
Presidente de la Comisión de Sanidad de las Cortes Valencianas
La música es una herramienta muy poderosa para los pacientes, no hay que olvidar tampoco a los profesionales y desde que se está implantando es muy útil y ayuda mucho.
Marisa Blasco
Presidenta de la sociedad valenciana de medicina intensiva y Und. coronarias y Jefa de servicio de UCI del hospital Clínico
La estimulación a través de la música es buena para cualquier persona, pero en el caso de las personas con deterioro cognitivo es fabulosa, ya que a veces no pueden realizar otro tipo de actividades.
Trabajador social de la residencia Dmusvi de Arroyo de la Encomienda
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Hazte  Socio

Siendo socio haces posible que pacientes de UCI, cáncer, hemodiálisis, salud mental o niños de pediatría tengan un momento de felicidad y respiro gracias a la música.

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Firma AHORA y únete para pedir al Gobierno que se incluyan a los músicos en hospitales y centros sociosanitarios

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Companies and

By collaborating with our foundation, you help thousands of people to have moments of respite in difficult moments of their lives. You can sponsor a specific micro-concert at the hospital of your choice, an activity in a residence or a functional diversity centre, or support a research study or one of the projects that are already underway. There are already many companies that are collaborators of Musicians for Health.

Our projects...  

The program is aimed at older people with diseases such as Alzheimer’s, dementia or age-related cognitive impairment pathologies. This program aims to meet their needs, as well as promote healthy aging and an improvement in their quality of life, offering an accompaniment and support service.

The program is aimed at people with functional diversity. The purpose of Capable Melodies is to promote social interactions by attending to the needs of this group in order to improve their quality of life, promote social inclusion and improve their experience in the social and health environment.

The Choirs, Singing and Remembrance program is aimed at older people with age-related cognitive impairment pathologies. The aim of bringing music closer to this group is to help them remember the songs of their childhood, adolescence, to evoke memories, bring well-being and improve their mood through singing and interaction.

Become a partner 

By being a member, you make it possible for ICU, cancer, haemodialysis, mental health or paediatric children to have a moment of happiness and respite thanks to music. You also help the songs reach our elderly, people with disabilities, Alzheimer’s, Down’s and patients in mental health centres.

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Ayúdanos a difundir el mensaje para que la música siga sonando en los hospitales.
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